What Do Michael Jackson, Barack Obama and Torvill and Dean Have in Common?

Tuesday November 17th

All have had an influence on our day today.

The morning started simply enough with a visit Don's office (Don from Rotary, Des and Matt's host).  Don is in mining, and spends a lot of time in the rural areas of China where his company supply machinery for processing coal.  Some of the modern equipment he showed us for grading the coal was very interesting, with application to more than the mining industry.

Michael Jackson
This week we presented to the Rotary Club of Beijing.  Before we spoke some other guests were introduced, including Howard McCrary, an award winning musician who performed with Michael Jackson.  Howard sang for us, and he thoroughly enjoyed listening to Des on the didgeridoo.

PP Kevin

Barack Obama
More traffic chaos in the afternoon.  We spent 2 hours in the car travelling across town.  Roads were closed, we took detours, we waited.  However, much to our disappointment we did not see Obama.

Torvill and Dean
Bunrei (from Rotary) took us to the National Ice Skatig Centre in Beijing.  Her (adorable) 6-year old son is a National Champion, so through her contacts we were able to go to watch National Pairs Figure Skaters in training in a private ice rink.  It was very exciting to see the incredible way they could move on the ice, a real inspiration to Elke, Des and Matt who went back to the public rink for a lesson of their own with the national coach.

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